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Las "Media Tablets" de Gartner

> # Q2 2010 > > > “The consumer PC market registered double-digit shipment growth, but consumer mobile shipment growth slowed. This was due in part to slower growth of mini-notebooks,” Ms. Kitagawa said. “Surging popularity of Apple’s iPad **temporarily cannibalized** mini-notebooks, as well as consumer notebook sales to some degree. It is not certain at this stage if the cannibalization will continue with the current price point of media tablets.” > > > # Q3 2010 > > > “Media tablet hype around devices such as the iPad has also affected consumer notebook growth by delaying some PC purchases, especially in the U.S. consumer market. Media tablets don’t replace primary PCs, but they affect PC purchases in many ways,” Ms. Kitagawa said. “At this stage, **hype around media tablets has led consumers and the channels to take a ‘wait and see’ approach** to buying a new device.” > > > # Q4 2010 > > > “U.S. holiday sales were not fantastic for most PC vendors, but the professional market did show healthy growth during the quarter,” Ms. Kitagawa said. “Media tablets undoubtedly intensified the competition in the consumer market. These devices do not replace primary PCs, but **they are viewed as good enough devices for these who want to have a second and third connected device for content consumption** usage. Mini-notebook shipments were hit the most by the success of media tablets.” > > > # Q1 2011 > > > “Weak demand for consumer PCs was the biggest inhibitor of growth,” said Mikako Kitagawa, principal analyst at Gartner. “Low prices for consumer PCs, which had long stimulated growth, no longer attracted buyers. Instead, **consumers turned their attention to media tablets** and other consumer electronics. With the launch of the iPad 2 in February, more consumers either switched to buying an alternative device, or simply held back from buying PCs. **We’re investigating whether this trend is likely to have a long-term effect** on the PC market.” > > > # Q2 2011 > > > Overall shipments of **media tablets took place late this quarter and volumes remained low, minimizing any impact** of the media tablets for PC substitutions in the second quarter of 2011 > > > # Q3 2011 > > > “The main contributor to the weak consumer PC market in the U.S. was intensified competition for consumers’ money,” Kitagawa said “Media tablets and smartphones took center stage in the U.S. retail sector, and the **expectation is for continuing demand for these devices throughout the holiday season**.”
via [asymco.com](http://www.asymco.com/2011/10/13/more-media-tablet-hype/)
Horace Dediu en Asymco analiza la evolución de los comunicados de la consultora Gartner desde el lanzamiento del iPad. Es curioso que la consultora siga empeñada en catalogar al iPad como “media tablet” y dudando del impacto en la venta de PCs.

Con la actualización a iOS5 el iPad se ha convertido en un dispositivo aún más independiente. En muchos hogares y para muchos usuarios es más que suficiente para todas las necesidades de navegación web, correo electrónico, etc…